
Edutopia Labs offers virtual coaching, mentoring, tutoring to our Math Olympiad Team. Some of the many other virtual offers are Math One and English One with 8,000 in-house worksheets. Authentic Math English abutting an avid author.


Edutopia Labs also offers webinars on Character Builder knock down kit thru Hobbies Freedom, orientation in Career Business, and “problem solving” towards goal, growth thrust in, thru Chanakya Niti — a shrewd policy that guarantees success.


Also offered in the West Windsor ↔ Plainsboro region. Talk or Text to n0w.365.wave ~ 609.365.9283 to register today itself. We’re Princeton, New Jersey based and serve the Princeton Metropolitan Region when not in cyberspace.

Edutopia Labs

"Let’s Make
A Volcano"


edutopia-labs-campaign-ss10 mathurity-key-edutopia-labs mathurity-keys-must-muse-much-more-mind-math numbers-nemesis-warp-speed-math-the-mind-boggling-way nn-wsm _ tMbW _ We Mix Math With Mental Math


The final word starts with the first “character.” This is not for the fickle—minded, nor for the faint—hearted; and is for those who want a change, and work with people to cut or carve a path for a bigger, better, good purpose. Truth Seekers and Goal Winners always have a thorny path. There are ways for those with willpower. The best human interactions often are redundant, problematic, or productive and are in a dynamic equilibrium. Our situational awareness and situational assistance are how we on the one extreme save our skin and on the other extreme make our goal.


How to be or become a catalyst?


Not that each problem is a problem. Not that it is our problem. Not that each of our problem must be solved. Those that are invited or inherited or inherent in human interactions and must be solved are few and far between. This not so contextual Chanakya Niti — a “shrewd policy” to get the desired outcome in an interdependent human macrocosm and microcosm. The best solution is escalating an individual’s problem to institutionalize it for the resources. Individuals’ may create problems within institutions’ that impacts other innocent and intelligent individuals.


Seminars will be announced here for the youths, for the parents, for the teachers, for the directors, for the adolescents and for the adults on how to navigate and surf in the ocean of human beings. A registration link is present when a program is scheduled. A payment is required to join virtually, or physically, unless a seminar is sponsored. We’re always there for those with an open mind to know the best path toward their growth goal. Subsequent to a subject’s introduction, QAs, anecdotal input, and contemporary data used for insights. Groups may ask for a custom schedule.



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The four interactive topics are

Keeping Childhood Innocence
Schooling, Unschooling, Homeschooling, The Myth and The Math
Surroundings Ed, Street Ed, Village Ed, is Makers Ed
Early Evolution in Entrepreneurship

If not found in .Currently Offered Programme then please propose to schedule | 90 minutes each


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Adolescents And Adults

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